Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Jobs

I have a lot more pictures I need to put up but my internet is really slow. I'll get more up soon, but till then here are just a few.

"Sorry Sir I'm doing my best,"
"Who made that man a gunner?"

Dallin helped me plant a little garden. We planted watermelons, cantaloupe, spinach, lettuce, and tomatoes. The cantaloupe sprouted in only 5 days, and everything else followed shortly. A supper garden.

I got two jobs one at Abercrombie & Fitch...

... and one at Victoria's Secret.


  1. Oh my word your garden looks SPECTACULAR! Aaron and Mandi are so impressed I'm sure!
    and I love your two work looks...so so cute!
    Way to work your hiney off you money makin' fool you!

  2. You are awesome Audrey and you look beautiful. I love the garden too. Love you.

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  4. hahaha I love the pics where you're quoting movies it's such a family trait I think. I miss you so much audrey!!!! I can't wait till I see u again. Be safe and don't hang out with any wackos. I love you!

  5. Audrey: It was Seth's feet with the blue toenails. Ha Ha.
