Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Crazy Week

To start off this was the first calf we got her name was Phoebe ( a jersey), she didn't make it. But we have since got four other calves. We got two jersey holstein cross heifers (Rachel and Monica), a holstein bull (Chanandaler or Chandler) and a black angus bull that were going to sell to our neighbor (Angus).

We had some really nice weather the other day so I thought I'd take advantage of it and do some gardening. It's still to early to plant (here) but this is the perfect time to get your soil ready. So I rotortilled 8 beds.

Last Sunday we woke up to about six inches of snow/ a blizzard and we needed to feed the calves so we got ready and this was us right before.
Unfortunately Chandler got out and Isaac and I chased him all over Lockwood for about two hours in the blizzard. We started to get cold and wet so we came home empty handed and haven't seen a trace of him since.
This was the back door as we were heading out to the cows.

When Isaac and I came home the power was out and therefor no water. It wasn't long before we lost the phones from our house we could see at least 8 poles that either were falling down or had cables that were down. So we spent Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday with out power, phones and water. We didn't get power till Wednesday morning but that was a lot sooner than I expected because there was so much damage around the town. We spent all of Sunday and Monday playing Rook pretty much and taking care of the cows. Mother did a wonderful job at keeping us all fed and this was her outfit one day because it was so cold.
This was Monday morning. It as a beautiful day, so we went out around the house and surveyed the damage. We had several trees with broken branches.

Tuesday was arts and crafts day so we made lip balm with Elli's kit that she got for her b-day. Only we added our own twist and used essential for the flavoring. We also were able to go to the temple with Kurt and Amy.
As a result of the crazy weather that came in waves the kids had a two hour delay on Thursday and no school for the rest. I have to say though, the issues we ran into made things a little hard but very interesting. I am glad we had this experience because it brought on a lot of chances for learning.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I've got the time and the internet

So I'm here at the high school waiting for dad because were are going to go pick up some calves today. I can't wait, I love when we get baby cows. Anyway since I had a little time I thought I should take advantage of the internet and post the latest pictures I've taken. But before I do that I'll give you a little update.
Well to start off the other day Mom took the car in to the dealership to get some work done. As a result we got a rental car. Fortunately someone was using there brain and we made the up grade to truck. So yesterday Dad, Elli, and I took three loads to the dump and a load to the local thrift store. It felt so good to throw away just some of the junk around the house. Also it has been about 60 degrees for the last couple of days so I just can't help myself I have to go outside. This morning I ate my breakfast while sitting on the edge of the fish pond. The chickens have been out in the yard so they all came over and hung out with me while I ate. It was such perfect morning. It's this time of year that reminds why I love Frazier Park.
The other night Isaac came home from a baseball game and asked me to drive him around so he could go rabbit hunting. Apparently he saw three driving in. We didn't get any though, they must have been scared away. But this was his amazing outfit.

This is just a cute picture of Maddox wearing Isaac's hat. I love this picture because he looks so gangsta in this little pose he did himself.

A couple weeks ago the Shillig3's came over and played the kinect. It was a really fun night and I think everyone really enjoyed playing. This Emmitt playing, which is really funny to watch, but I also liked watching Maddox in the background. Just kidding it's taking to long I'll have to try again later.