Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'm sure you all know by now that I got my mission call but for those of you who haven't I am going to the Panama Panama City Mission. I will report to the Missionary Training Center in Utah April 27, 2011 and three weeks later I will be transferred to the Guatemala MTC. I am so excited I have all ready made my appointment to begin my immunizations, so I can be all set to go. I think that my mission covers the whole country because I received a map that said the Panama City Mission and it is of the country. Like this...

This is my reenactment of getting my call because my camera was dead when I got it.

Lately I spend a lot of time at my brother's Kurt's house and so I get to hang out with these cutest kids often. I love hanging out with my sister-in-law Amy and going to her boot camp. She is such an inspiration to me to get my body in shape, and she is just fun to spent time with. It is great to hang out with Kurt too. He is probably the brother I have spent the least amount of time with since I graduated from high school. So I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to strengthen my relationship with him and his family.

This was New Years at Kurt and Amy's place it was a blast and we were blessed with the presents of my dear sister Kailie. In my mind what better way to bring in the New Year than with family and friends.

Don't I have such a beautiful sister? Also you can see how my nose is healing in this picture and the one with me and my call.


  1. Panama! Panama-a-a-a-a-a! I am so excited for you! I love all of your pictures Audge, especially your sister shot. You and Kielie are so pretty!

  2. Awww I haven't looked at your blog in a r eally long time, for some reason it didn't occur to me that you still have your laptop and you can still update lol. Love the pic of my babies, nice blue mouth emmitt has. Thanks for your sweet words I really LOVE having ou around and I am going to be very sad when you go. I am so excited for you and Panama is getting one very amazing sister missionary, I know you will do so well!! For now I will soak up all the audrey time i can get. Love you so much sis! ♥
